HIIT Training on stationary bike
Aging & Health

Research Study: As Little as 2 minutes of HIIT Training Shows Benefits

A new research study[1] shows that a four-second power cycling training increases maximal anaerobic power, peak oxygen consumption, and total blood volume. [2] A mere four seconds of all-out exercise, repeated two or three dozen times, could be all many of us need to build and maintain our fitness, strength, and physical power, according to an inspiring new study of the potency of super-quick workouts. What was the Goal of the Research Study? Past studies show that workouts with extreme intervals varying in length from four minutes or even less enhanced phases of health and fitness to similar or a greater degree than much more extended sessions of endless, gentler exercise, like walking or jogging. The optimal duration of the [Read more …]

Air Bikes can be used for LISS - Low Intensity Steady State exercise, but HIIT is where they shine.
Aging & Health

Study: Is Too Much HIIT Training Detrimental?

A new research study[1] shows that extreme exercise training causes mitochondrial functional impairment and lowers glucose tolerance in healthy volunteers. The right amount of exercise training absolutely influences metabolic health through enhanced mitochondrial oxidative potential and increased glucose regulation and is also the preferred treatment in various metabolic complications. But too much of anything is not good, and it also applies in exercising. What was the Goal of the Research Study? Some studies show that intense blasts of exercise improve the number of mitochondria in our muscle cells, and more mitochondria provide better cellular and metabolic health. But there was also research where people did HIIT three times a week for six weeks, but there were no changes in their [Read more …]

Battle ropes are a great thing to do in Tabata or HIIT style training

How To Workout With Tabata Training

What is Tabata Training? Tabata is a high intensity training method for conditioning and fat-burning. Let’s find out how we can do a tabata workout, and what some great tabata exercises are. Tabata in a nutshell Start the clock or timer Perform the chosen exercise with as much intensity as possible, and as fast as good form permits for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for 8 work and rest cycles (a total of 4 minutes.) Optional: Collapse on the floor at the conclusion of what is likely the 4 hardest minutes of your week! The most recent research in 2018 about Tabata concluded that: “…variations of the Tabata Protocol seem to be indicated to provide increases in aerobic [Read more …]