Young woman using a 45 degree leg press machine
Exercise Equipment

Top 5 Reasons to use the Leg Press Machine

The leg press machine catches a lot of flak. It’s considered an inferior exercise when compared to the squat and deadlift. But there’s a reason these machines are popular and you’ll find one in just about every gym. You might as well understand what it’s good for – and use it to your benefit. We’re going to discuss the top 5 reasons to use the leg press machine. We’ll highlight some of the things you can do with this model of leg press machine. Reason #1: Rehabilitation The legs constitute the largest muscles in the body. The quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes are a significant portion of your total muscular mass. How do you provide a strength building workout if you’ve [Read more …]

One way to achieve muscular hypetrophy is to use Escalating Density Training, or EDT. The combination of high volume and moderate intensity is the perfect formula for big muscle size.

EDT – Escalating Density Training

What is the EDT technique? EDT is Escalating Density Training. It’s a hypertrophy training technique (think big muscles). The goal is to perform as many reps as possible in a given timeframe, using antagonistic exercises, which work opposing muscle groups. Choose two antagonistic exercises – such as a pull and a press movement. Front squat and hamstring curl are one example, or bicep curls and tricep press. Choose a weight that is your 10RM (10 Rep Max) for the exercises. Start a stopwatch or timer for 15 minutes. Perform 5 reps of each movement, in an alternating fashion Rest as long as needed and repeat, letting the number of reps drop as you fatigue (sets of 4, then 3, etc.) [Read more …]