Boxing Gloves - Used for Boxing Training

Boxing Training For Health and Fitness

Boxing Training is Not Just A Hard Workout – It’s Fun Looking for a creative way to add some fun to your workout? Consider boxing training. Boxers are universally known as the hardest working, leanest, and most well conditioned athletes on the planet. That’s because facing an opponent in the ring for 12 rounds and dodging and delivering punches is extremely physically taxing. And boxing training prepares them for that. But boxing training isn’t just for aspiring boxers. The average health and fitness enthusiast can use basic boxing training techniques to add fun, creativity, and intensity into their workout routine. We’ll discuss the easiest ways to get started. These techniques can be scaled to any experience level. Basics of Boxing [Read more …]

Rucking - walking or hiking with a loaded backpack - it's simple and effective.

What is Rucking?

Rucking is walking with a loaded backpack – and not just in the woods! “Ruck”, short for “rucksack”, is military slang for a backpack. This is a cheap, simple exercise that burns calories and builds aerobic endurance due to the added weight. Rucking Tips – The basics Grab a backpack. Load it with about 10% of your bodyweight (as a beginner). You can use bricks, dumbbells, weight plates, or anything else that will fit. Walk – the distance and pace is up to you. Also known as foot marching, ruck marching, but usually just plain “rucking” – it’s deceptively effective. It sounds simple, but it can burn up to two times the number of calories when compared to an unweighted [Read more …]