Athena Functional Trainer for Rep Power Rack
Add a full-featured functional trainer to your PR-4000 or PR-5000 series power rack with the new Athena Side-Mount Functional Trainer. From Rep Fitness – of course When it comes to functional and strength training, functional trainers are the ultimate tools as they offer simple but effective cable-based strength training. They are safe and versatile and cater to any user at any level or age. They are functional enough to train all planes of the body, giving you a total-body workout without you having to purchase different machines and equipment. Functional Trainer/Cable Machine for the PR-4000 and PR-5000 Series squat racks: Athena Side-Mount Functional Trainer – Overview Low-profile yet powerful and versatile, the Athena Side-Mount Functional Trainer integrates into the side [Read more …]