best time to exercise
Aging & Health

Study Finds Best Time to Exercise is the Evening

A new research study[1] shows that performing exercise in the afternoon or early evening may confer the greatest metabolic health benefits. What was the Goal of the Research Study? Everyone knows exercise and doing a range of activities have several health benefits, but the time to exercise for optimal health benefits is currently unknown. Timing is crucial in increasing the profitable result of exercise on metabolic pathways within muscle and systemic energy homeostasis. The outcomes of past studies have been inconsistent. [2] Some suggest morning workouts burn more fat than evening exercise. Others find the reverse. And some recent experiments show that intense early exercise reduces blood-sugar control, while the same activities, executed later, smooth blood-sugar spikes and enhance metabolic [Read more …]

Pullups Murph Challenge

What is the Murph Challenge?

What is the Murph Challenge? On Memorial Day 2021 thousands of people around the globe – including Soldiers, Marines, Sailors, Airmen, and more will be taking on the Murph Challenge. What is it? The Murph Challenge is a workout (in CrossFit terms a “Hero WOD”) honoring LT. Michael P. Murphy who was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his actions in Afghanistan in 2005. The workout includes a one-mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats and another one-mile run. Murph perfomed this workout regularly, which he nicknamed “body armor” – because he did the grueling workout wearing his plate carrier fully loaded with ISAPI plates. It was his way to ensure he was ready for the grueling [Read more …]

Torque Fitness Tank MX pushed quarter right
Exercise Equipment

Torque Fitness Tanks

Let’s look at the Torque Fitness Tanks. Fitness tank is an all-surface weight sled with wheels that utilize magnetic resistance rather than weight plates and friction. By flipping the resistance lever, you can adjust the strength of your workout without adding or removing heavy-weight plates. It is a functional piece of equipment that can be used in a variety of forms. You can push or pull the weight sled clutching a rubber-coated handle to focus on particular muscle groups. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Torque Fitness Tanks – Overview Torque uses an innovative magnetic resistance brake system on their tanks to prohibit individuals from accelerating and pushes them to work harder the quicker [Read more …]

Most vegetables are a low GI (Glycemic Index) food.
Aging & Health

Study: Five Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Per Day Reduces Risk of Death

A new research study released by the American Heart Association (AHA)[1] shows that five servings of fruits and vegetables are the number of servings you need to eat everyday to live the longest. According to the study, two of those five servings should be fruits, and the other three should be vegetables. “This amount likely offers the most benefit in terms of prevention of major chronic disease and is a relatively achievable intake for the general public,” said lead author Dr. Dong Wang, a nutritionist and epidemiologist at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. What was the Goal of the Research Study? However, there are variations in benefits depending on the fruits and vegetables you are [Read more …]

woman preparing to exercise
Aging & Health

Cardio Fitness – The More, The Better

A new research study[1] shows that higher physical activity is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. Being physically active is beneficial for you, especially in preventing diseases like heart attacks and strokes. According to the new study headed by the University of Oxford, indulging yourself in regular physical exercise or getting more activity may even be more profitable for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. But, it also showed that the people with the highest level of activity reaped the greatest benefits. More is better. What was the Goal of the Research Study? The study’s goal was to prove that higher levels of physical activity can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. There was skepticism about the previous methods [Read more …]

Exercise seems to help depression
Aging & Health

Can Exercise and Physical Activity Help Prevent Depression?

Approaching the conundrum of whether depression leads to inactivity or if inactivity causes depression, the facts speak for themselves: Exercise is beneficial to both psychological and physical health[1]. The effects of being physically active both prevent and improve a number of health conditions including lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes, alleviating the symptoms of arthritis, reducing anxiety and improving mood. The Research Backs This Up The statistics show us that one in ten adults in the U.S. is dealing with the effects of depression and likely to be on antidepressant medications[2]. While more research is necessary to identify all the contributing factors that either cause or alleviate the effects of depression, studies have shown that [Read more …]

Picture of Sardinia, Italy - one of the studied "Blue zones"
Diet & Nutrition

What is a Blue Zone Diet?

A Danish Twins study on longevity recently completed revealed that genetics only plays a ten percent role in the length and quality of your life–the other 90 percent has to do with diet and lifestyle choices. With findings like this, it is evident that if you find the right diet for your body, you can significantly improve both your health and your longevity. We are constantly bombarded with the latest crazes, fads, and diets that promise to banish bloat and melt belly fat forever, yet many of us are still overweight, tired, and sick; with all of the supposed knowledge and expertise that we have at our fingertips, why are we not seeing results as promised? It seems that simple [Read more …]

Mediterranean Diet comes from the towns of Southern Italy, Greece, and elsewhere. It is a moderate to high fish diet, amongst other things.
Diet & Nutrition

Is the Mediterranean Diet Good for Longevity?

If you are searching for a nutrient-dense diet that may make you feel invigorated and help you live a long, healthy life, consider the Mediterranean Diet. Studies show compelling evidence that this diet can increase lifespan. But first, let’s review what the Mediterranean Diet is. What is the Mediterranean Diet? Many people have heard of the Mediterranean Diet. Like its name suggests, the premise bases meals on the types of foods traditionally found and eaten in sixteen Mediterranean countries. Picture the growing climate of areas like Spain, Greece and Italy, and you will have a general idea of what may comprise typical diets. The Mediterranean region features rich in plants and olive oil. Carbohydrate sources are whole grains, fruits and [Read more …]

Pizza on a diet? OK IIFYM - If It Fits Your Macros - a type of flexible dieting that is based on portions of macronutrients instead of food restrictions. You still need a caloric deficit.
Diet & Nutrition

How To Use If It Fits Your Macros (IIFYM) for Weight Loss

Losing weight can seem like a roller coaster of emotions and struggles clouded by a haze of confusion. That is until you start using something like if it fits your macros, also known as IIFYM. This is a type of flexible dieting, and this article will go over what this type of lifestyle means and how you can use it to your advantage in order to lose weight and eat healthier. Sticking to a restrictive diet (along with a calorie deficit) can be a challenge, and flexible dieting is supposed to make things easier. What are Macronutrients? Calories in food The number of calories present in 1 gram of: Fat: 9 calories Protein: 4 calories Carbohydrates: 4 calories Macronutrients are [Read more …]

Beer - is a grain derived beverage with significant calories and alcohol
Diet & Nutrition

Health Considerations for Alcohol Use

Alcoholic beverages can be an enjoyable and mildly impactful part of a healthy diet, for those that choose to partake. But there are important considerations to remember. Alcohol has calories Alcohol has calories – 7 per gram. And while alcohol in pure form isn’t normally imbibed in large quantities, it is often part of beverages that have a high calorie count. Sugary mixed drinks, beer, wine, and many other types of alcoholic drinks all have significant calories. If you are trying to lose weight, or to keep weight off, try to keep away from alcoholic drinks as much as possible. Calories and Macronutrients Alcohol is not a macronutrient, but does contain calories (which means the body can use it for [Read more …]