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Starting Strength Dictionary

FitAtMidlife’s Starting Strength Routine Dictionary It’s no secret – we love Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength routine. It’s the efficient, science and logic based training program that is made for beginners of any age to develop strength. Starting Strength utilizes the barbell. The barbell is the most efficient means to build strength – because it’s the device that can carry the most weight. That may sound intimidating, but it shouldn’t be. You start light and through the magic of linear progression you get strong – and build muscle mass at the same time. Starting Strengh places great emphasis on proper form, and it’s safe for the joints. Lastly, it’s targeted to novices – people who have never lifted before. And all [Read more …]

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The FitAtMidlife Workout Dictionary

Here’s a comprehensive list of terms and lingo you’ll run across in the gym. We’ll provide definitions for all the terminology that is pervasive in modern fitness methods. But it’s more than a list of terms – you’ll also find out about some of the current popular programs and personalities. We cover CrossFit and just about everything else you may hear about. 1RM – 1 Repetition Max 1RM is your 1 Repetition Max – This is the absolute maximum weight you can lift for 1 complete repetition of an exercise (with correct form). Commonly used to gauge progress in the big compound or power movements – for example you likely know your 1RM for bench press, squat, deadlift, cleans, and [Read more …]

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Diet & Nutrition

Water – The Best Beverage

Here at one of our primary nutritional rules is : Thirsty? Drink water. Everybody knows that water is essential to life, and we drink when we are thirsty. But do you really need any beverage besides water? Ok, maybe coffee, and alcohol in reasonable proportions, if you partake in it. But I think you’ll understand the benefits of drinking water when you are thirsty: Water has 0 calories Water is plentiful Water is often free, and almost always the cheapest option Cold water can help you cool down Water is flavorless Water is what your body naturally craves when thirsty. Sodas, fruit juices, milk, and other beverages are loaded with calories. And it’s very easy to drink a lot [Read more …]

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Diet & Nutrition

What You Need To Know About Body Fat

Here’s the most important points to understand about body fat Fat (variously known as body fat, adipose tissue, or just plain fat) is essential to life. It’s not possible to have “zero body fat”, nor would such a condition be desirable. Fat serves to store energy for later use by the body, it cushions the body and organs, and serves as insulation. But perhaps most importantly – body fat is part of the endocrine system – the body’s system of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood, and other things. This is a relatively recent finding – and it has important health considerations. Why Understanding Your Distribution of Body Fat is Important [Read more …]

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Diet & Nutrition

Waist Size – Why It Matters

Waist Size is a Key Indicator Of Health and Risk of Serious Illness Waist Circumference (or distance around the waist) is an important indicator of an individual’s amount of abdominal obesity, which is fat held around the stomach. Excess abdominal fat, resulting in waist sizes greater than 35 inches for women or 40 inches for men, is strongly associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and death. To measure waist size: Place a tape measure around your body at the top of your hipbone (normally at the level of your belly button.) Ensure the tape measure is level (horizontal around the waist), and snug, but should not be compressing the skin. Do not hold your breath [Read more …]

Rucking - walking or hiking with a loaded backpack - it's simple and effective.

What is Rucking?

Rucking is walking with a loaded backpack – and not just in the woods! “Ruck”, short for “rucksack”, is military slang for a backpack. This is a cheap, simple exercise that burns calories and builds aerobic endurance due to the added weight. Rucking Tips – The basics Grab a backpack. Load it with about 10% of your bodyweight (as a beginner). You can use bricks, dumbbells, weight plates, or anything else that will fit. Walk – the distance and pace is up to you. Also known as foot marching, ruck marching, but usually just plain “rucking” – it’s deceptively effective. It sounds simple, but it can burn up to two times the number of calories when compared to an unweighted [Read more …]

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AMRAP – As Many Reps (or Rounds) As Possible

What is the AMRAP technique? AMRAP can be dual meaning – As Many Reps As Possible or As Many Rounds As Possible. Choose an exercise. Anything that uses a barbell – Olympic or power bar, kettlebell, air bike or dumbbell would be an excellent choice. Start a stopwatch or timer for some time period, if specified. Perform repetitions of the exercise or multiple exercises, resting as needed The goal is to perform as many reps as possible in the time frame specified. The final count of reps would be considered your PR (Personal Record). It’s a strength and conditioning (muscular endurance) training technique. The goal is to perform as many repetitions (“reps”) of an exercise movement as possible, or “rounds” [Read more …]

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How To Workout With Tabata Training

What is Tabata Training? Tabata is a high intensity training method for conditioning and fat-burning. Let’s find out how we can do a tabata workout, and what some great tabata exercises are. Tabata in a nutshell Start the clock or timer Perform the chosen exercise with as much intensity as possible, and as fast as good form permits for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat for 8 work and rest cycles (a total of 4 minutes.) Optional: Collapse on the floor at the conclusion of what is likely the 4 hardest minutes of your week! The most recent research in 2018 about Tabata concluded that: “…variations of the Tabata Protocol seem to be indicated to provide increases in aerobic [Read more …]