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Starting Strength Dictionary

FitAtMidlife’s Starting Strength Routine Dictionary It’s no secret – we love Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength routine. It’s the efficient, science and logic based training program that is made for beginners of any age to develop strength. Starting Strength utilizes the barbell. The barbell is the most efficient means to build strength – because it’s the device that can carry the most weight. That may sound intimidating, but it shouldn’t be. You start light and through the magic of linear progression you get strong – and build muscle mass at the same time. Starting Strengh places great emphasis on proper form, and it’s safe for the joints. Lastly, it’s targeted to novices – people who have never lifted before. And all [Read more …]

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The FitAtMidlife Workout Dictionary

Here’s a comprehensive list of terms and lingo you’ll run across in the gym. We’ll provide definitions for all the terminology that is pervasive in modern fitness methods. But it’s more than a list of terms – you’ll also find out about some of the current popular programs and personalities. We cover CrossFit and just about everything else you may hear about. 1RM – 1 Repetition Max 1RM is your 1 Repetition Max – This is the absolute maximum weight you can lift for 1 complete repetition of an exercise (with correct form). Commonly used to gauge progress in the big compound or power movements – for example you likely know your 1RM for bench press, squat, deadlift, cleans, and [Read more …]