Rep Fitness PR-4100 Folding Rack
Exercise Equipment

Rep Fitness Squat Racks

The best garage gym or home gym needs a squat rack or power rack. Why? Because it’s the best option for versatile and safe training with heavy barbells and weights. But, a full power rack can be a big space commitment – especially if you need to keep a car (or two) in the garage. Squat stands, or squat racks, are a great space-saving option that works in many situations where a full power rack won’t. Shown here is the SR-4000 Squat Rack from Rep Fitness as an example. It is an exceptionally well-built product, and has all the essential features we look for in the best squat stand or rack for a garage gym. We’re going to highlight products [Read more …]

Rogue MG-3 Knurled Multi-Grip/Swiss/Football Bar
Exercise Equipment

Multi-Grip Swiss Bars for Bench Press

In this review we’re going to look at the multi-grip swiss bar – also commonly called the football bar or the swiss bar. But, no matter what you call them – they all have the same benefits. The swiss bar gives you a variety of grip angles. This can have huge benefits for those with shoulder, elbow, or wrist issues. Pain when you bench press heavy? You should try the Swiss bar. These are great for all kinds of pressing and rowing movements. Bench press, incline press, rows, overhead press, curls, triceps extension – you can do all these with the versatile football bar. These are also great for targeting your triceps. Let’s get started. We’re going to show you [Read more …]

REP AB-5000 Adjustable FID Bench - the best FID bench for home gym or garage gym.
Exercise Equipment

REP AB-5000 ZERO GAP Adjustable Bench Review

New for 2019, Rep Fitness has launched their latest product – the REP AB-5000 Zero Gap Adjustable Bench (Rep Fitness). This adjustable bench is our top pick for a full FID (Flat, Incline, Decline) bench for home and garage gyms. This article will serve as our comprehensive review of this versatile piece of strength equipment. Long term review update: This is a great bench – tough, versatile, incline adjustments are a breeze, and while it is a tad on the heavy side (because it is so beefy) it’s easy enough to move when you need to. It has worked out as well as I’d hoped – and I highly recommend this bench as the most robust, versatile heavy duty bench [Read more …]