Here’s the link to watch:
Live coverage will be streamed from 10am – 5pm Eastern on both days.
The Online Qualifier (aka “the Q”) for Rogue’s 2020 Invitational CrossFit sanctioned comp is here!
They are calling it “the Q” for short – because that’s quick and easy to say – and it sounds cool.
How do you get in on this fun and maybe score an invite to the competition?
Perform the workouts and submit your scores online.
Need gear? We’re going to look at each workout and make some recommendations:
2020 Rogue Invitational Online Qualifier Workout #1
Workout #1 is :
AMRAP 10min (As Many Rounds As Possible)
1000m Row
75 Thrusters (75/55lb)
What do you need?
- Concept 2 Rowing Machine
- Barbell
- Collars
- Plates to load to the appropriate weight for your division
A Concept2 Rower is a necessity – as that is the only type accepted in this qualifier (as in the CrossFit Open as well.)
And guess who has the best price on a brand new Concept2 rower? Rogue.
Here’s another thing – you may not pay sales tax either depending on where you are.
It’s the cheapest way to get a brand new rower from Concept2.
2020 Rogue Invitational Online Qualifier Workout #2
Once you’ve recovered, you can give workout #2 a shot.
For Time
Pull Up
Squat Clean (135/95lb)
Immediately into
Bar Muscle Up
Squat Cleans (185/125lb)
12 Min Time Cap
What equipment?
- Barbell
- Collars
- Plates to load to the appropriate weight for your division
- Pull-up Bar
This involves squat cleans.
We always recommend BUMPER plates for cleans.
If you get caught in the bottom – you can easily drop the bar and bail out.
The Rogue Ohio Bar is a bushing bar that will suffice for this.
You will get better spin out of a bearing bar – but those are very expensive. And if you are doing these for reps it’s probably not near your max anyways.
2020 Rogue Invitational Online Qualifier Workout #3
On to #3. The dreaded appearance of double unders (and HSPUs.)
AMRAP 20min
100 Double Unders
80 Dumbbell Snatch – alternating arms (50/35lb)
100 Double Unders
60 Toes To Bar
100 Double Unders
40 Dumbbell Squat – 2 dumbbells (50/35lb)
100 Double Unders
20 Strict Handstand Push Up
Gear that you’ll need.
- Skipping Rope
- One pair of dumbbells of appropriate weight for your division
- Measuring tape
- Floor marks for the strict handstand push-up box
- Pull Up Bar
If you are a total noob on the jump rope – you are going to have a tough time.
But a good speed rope like the Rogue SR-1 can be a blessing.
It’s not so much a rope, but rather a cable.
That means it is thin (so minimal air resistance) and it is dense.
You can spin this quicker, with ease. And that’s what you probably need for easier double-unders.
This workout also requires HSPUs – Hand Stand Push Ups.
I don’t have much advice for you there. Good luck.
2020 Rogue Invitational Online Qualifier Workout #4
Finally – the last workout!
AMRAP 6min
3 Box Jump Over (24/20”)
6 Deadlift (255/175lb)
9 Bar Facing Burpee
Equipment you’ll need:
- Box that is the appropriate height for your division. The top of the box must be at least 15-by-15 inches.
- Barbell
- Standard bumper plates (18-inch diameter) to load to the appropriate weight for your division
- Plates to load to the appropriate weight for your division
- Collars
- Tape or line that bisects the middle of the barbell.
Here you’ll need a box of appropriate height for the box jumps.
There’s many options but you can’t go wrong with the resin plyobox from Rogue – so that’s what we recommend.
A lot of other gear needed – but all the advice we gave previously on barbells, bumper plates, applies equally here.
2020 Rogue Online Qualifier – The “Q” – In Summary
We’re excited to help spread the news about this exciting new event.
Because this is includes an Online Open Qualifier – it gives everyone a chance to compete.
We’re a Rogue Fitness affiliate – so if you order equipment after clicking the links in this article we receive monetary compensation. But that’s not why we recommend Rogue. It’s because their equipment is tough, durable, well-made, and a lot of their best stuff is made in America. Their equipment looks good, and works even better. Their innovative designs and diversity of options make your training better – allowing you to reach your personal goals faster. And that’s why we love them.
Photo & Image Credits
- All Rogue Fitness product imagery is property of Rogue Fitness, and provided by Rogue Fitness.
- This website is not affiliated or associated with CrossFit, Inc. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.

Tim is the founder of – an avid gym rat for 30+ years, he’s a reviewer of many, many shoes – and founder of the Speed Bag Gathering – the world’s only gathering of speed bag punching enthusiasts. See more gym reviews at Tim’s YouTube channel.