Air bikes (sometimes called “assault bikes”) have become a hot item – a must have for your home or garage gym.
Let’s compare two of the front runners of the pack – this is Rogue Echo Bike versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro (also sold as the AD7).
Currently, both of these models are hard to find – but if you can find them in stock, which should you choose?
That’s what we’ll review here.
Here’s the two air bikes we’re going to compare:
Rogue Echo Bike Versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro – Overview
Let’s start by discussing some of the similarities.
Both of these are premium air bikes. What do we consider essential for a premium air bike?
They both have excellent build quality, relatively quite and reliable belt drive, and electronic monitors with a decent amount of modes and metrics.
Both follow the same general layout – it’s an air bike, so there are pedals and handles.
As with all air bikes, the handles are in constant motion, and there’s no freewheeling of the pedals either.
Both bikes are a very different experience from a spin bike (like Peloton) or a road bicycle.
Besides the obvious fact that you’ll be pulling and pushing with your arms – there aren’t any gear changes, and these bikes get more and more difficult the faster you go.
Neither is an equivalent of road biking, but they are fitness machines that let you generate incredible amounts of intensity.
And that’s where the training effect and benefit of air bikes come from.
Rogue Echo Bike Versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro – Noise Levels
Where do these units differ?
One key aspect of an air bike is the noise level – they are all noisy.
However, belt drive bikes are quieter than those using a chain (generally speaking).
(They are also less maintenance and more reliable – which is a huge benefit too.)
Which of these is noisier?
To compare the two, it’s necessary to find a baseline RPM (revolutions per minute.)
60 RPM is a good point to test. 60 RPM is a cadence that might be typical for just about anyone to use an air bike.
The faster you go, the noisier the bike will be – the sound of the fan gets quite loud. But let’s not compare at insane levels of power output – because you won’t be pedaling at that cadence for long.
The Schwinn Airdyne is noticeably louder than the Echo Bike.
Why is that? We’re not sure – but it makes a higher pitched sound that is less pleasing to the ear.
The Echo Bike makes a soft “whooshing” sound – from the air being accelerated and churned by the fan.
Rogue Echo Bike Versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro – At Maximum Effort
One comment people have made about the Rogue Echo is that it’s harder to pedal as compared to the Air Assault Bike – the most popular bike in use at most CrossFit boxes.
Based on our research, we believe this is due to the massive size of the fan.
If you compare the fan on the Echo to that of the Air Assault Bike – you’ll see that the Echo has more blades, and they are much bigger.
This means you are moving more air with each revolution of the pedals – and that means more effort (and noise.)
The AD Pro / AD7 is much the same – the fan is big.
Overall, the AD Pro feels like even more work than the Rogue Echo.
At maximum effort, both bikes are quite noisy.
And this is where another key difference between the two bikes becomes apparent.
The Rogue Echo bike is much more stable at max effort than the AD Pro.
The AD Pro isn’t as wide, it’s not as heavy, and the parts are not as beefy.
It tends to rock side to side a noticeable amount.
There’s a reason Rogue built the Echo bike as “overbuilt”.
It’s very, very stable, even when you are giving it all you have.
Rogue Echo Bike Versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro – Build Quality
The Echo is built from more robust, heavy-duty parts – but the build quality of both is near equivalent.
One advantage that the AD Pro holds – there are multiple handle positions – unlike the Rogue bike.
There’s two levels of horizontal handle, and you can use the vertical portion of the grip as well – for a third option.
Rogue Echo Bike Versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro – Seat Comfort
Both bikes use the same seat – it appears identical.
You can upgrade the seat on either unit – including to a proper biking “saddle”.
The pedals are very similar too.
Rogue Echo Bike Versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro – Electronic Monitor
At first glance, the Airdyne monitor looks more complete and expansive.
But once you’ve used it, you’ll better appreciate the Rogue Echo Bike’s simplified layout.
With the Rogue you can see everything at once, where-as with the Schwinn you’ll need to switch screens more often.
For example, on the Schwinn you can’t see calories and distance on the same screen – why not show all that at once?
You’ll also appreciate the positioning of the Rogue’s monitor – it’s front and center and easy to see your stats as you are furiously pedaling, pushing, and pulling.
It’s not feasible to use your fingers to change modes while you are going all out.
As such, it’s a clear win for the Rogue Echo bike in this category.
Neither unit is backlit, which means they are both hard to see in the dark – you’ll need a light source.
Overall, both pale in comparison to something like the PM5 monitor on the Concept 2 equipment.
Rogue Echo Bike Versus Schwinn Airdyne Pro – In Summary
Both units are nice, but the Rogue Echo Bike is the superior air bike.
The Rogue Echo Bike is just so much more stable – and as a benefit it is less noisy.
It feels slightly easier to pedal the Rogue bike, and this lower resistance makes it a more attractive option for LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) exercise.
Lastly, the electronic monitor is clearly superior to that of the Schwinn.
If you can find an AD Pro/AD7 for a good deal, it might be worthwhile – but if you are buying new we recommend the Rogue Echo Bike.
It’s also cheaper!
Want more air bike options? Check out our guide to the best air bike.
We’ve also done a deep dive review on the Rogue Echo Bike.
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Some product photos on this page are property of the manufacturers.
This website is not affiliated or associated with CrossFit, Inc. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc.
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We are an affiliate of Rogue Fitness. If you buy equipment after clicking the links in this article, we receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This helps us to bring you in-depth information and content on this great training equipment.

Tim is the founder of – an avid gym rat for 30+ years, he’s a reviewer of many, many shoes – and founder of the Speed Bag Gathering – the world’s only gathering of speed bag punching enthusiasts. See more gym reviews at Tim’s YouTube channel.
The Schwinn is setup for the handles and pedals to be reciprocal; contralateral flexion/extension for upper and lower extremities, conducive to “normal” gait. The rogue’s handles and pedals perform motions ipsilaterally; flexion of upper and lower extremity on same side and extension of upper and lower extremity on the opposite side, conducive for “abnormal” gait.
Hi – this is a common question. Unfortunately, everyone in my family is tall – 5′ 8″ is the shortest – so I can’t give first-hand insight. Sorry!
I’ve certainly heard of Echo Bikes having some issues. I’ve had no problems with mine for over 2.5 years now, but I hope they get yours sorted out quickly.
If possible, can you give me some insight on what might be the better choice for someone (female) short (5’3”) and fairly out of shape due to rheumatoid arthritis?
I’ve tried to find as much info as possible and can’t find anyplace to try either one in our area.
My wife and I are excited to get started but I don’t want to buy something and put it together just to find she can’t use it because I can’t get it fit to her smallish body. I asked rogue and got a quick but not so helpful response. Also looking at their own website reviews starting from least favorable it seems shorter users have a problem. But some are quite a lot shorter than my wife.
Thanks very much for your time. I really appreciate any advice you may have and have enjoyed reading your reviews. I’d order the Rogue product right now if I could be somewhat assured it would fit her comfortably.
thanks again,
That’s fine until you experience bearing failure on the Rogue Echo which is a known fault on these bikes.In contrast, at least my AD Pro lasted 4 years before the monitor failed. I’m chasing the warranty on the Echo after only 12 months or 50 hours of use.