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PRIVACY POLICY & GDPR COMPLIANCE FIT AT MIDLIFE PRIVACY POLICY, TERMS OF USE & GDPR COMPLIANCE FIT AT MIDLIFE knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), FIT AT MIDLIFE has updated our privacy policy to provide you with increased transparency into the personal data it collects, how it is used, and the controls you have over your personal data. By using the website, and all affiliated FIT AT MIDLIFE pages, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Policy. For information on specific aspects of our GDPR compliance, please click the [Read more …]

Nike Free X Metcon 2 - The running shoe for CrossFit WODs
Cross Training Shoes

Nike Free X Metcon 2 – The Nike Metcon Running Shoe

New for 2019, the Nike Free x Metcon 2 shoe combines the lightweight flexibility of the Nike Free running shoe line with the durability and stability of the Nike Metcon shoes. NOTE: This shoe has been discontinued – get them while you can. It has been replaced by the Nike Free Metcon 3 – it’s a free shoe, but with a very different feel. The Nike Free X Metcon 2 is now available from Rogue Fitness. This is the second version of the Nike Free X Metcon shoe. Read on to find out why we think this is the best CrossFit training shoe for running. Here’s just a few of the styles that are available now, from Rogue Fitness: Now, [Read more …]

Can too much sitting make you resistant to the positive effects of exercise? It seems yes.
Aging & Health

Study: Too much sitting makes you resistant to the effects of exercise

A new study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology seems to show that people can become “resistant” to the healthy benefits of aerobic exercise if they sit too much.[1] In this study, a number of participants were asked to perform aerobic exercise after 4 days of prolonged sitting. The metabolic impacts of that exercise (post-exercise triglycerides, glucose, and insulin levels) were then compared to exercise sessions done on days which included a 1 hour treadmill workout. The participants did not see as much benefit from exercise after the bouts of prolonged sitting. The researchers call this condition “Exercise Resistance”. What does this all mean? It is probably wise to partake in physical activity (whether exercise, or otherwise) frequently – [Read more …]

The American Barbell Power Bar has a shaft made from precision grade alloy steel
Exercise Equipment

Best Powerlifting Barbell

Rogue Fitness now has the Kabuki Strength Duffalo Bar available. This specially curved bar reduces stress on the shoulders, biceps, and back, while enabling scapular retraction and superior joint centration. Let’s look at who makes the best powerlifting barbell. What’s a powerlifting barbell (Also called a power bar or power barbell)? It’s a tough, stiff Olympic sized barbell used for lifting big weight – think heavy squats, heavy deadlifts, and big bench presses. Shown here is the Rogue Ohio Power Bar – it is our top pick for best power bar. These bars are big so they can hold a lot of weight, but they also have some very important differences as compared to the type of Olympic barbell you [Read more …]

Sandbag training is a cheap, but effective training method - find out how to get started today!

Sandbag Training

With so many forms of exercise available today, zeroing in on the optimal workout routine can be daunting. But it turns out that while the latest high-tech machines and exercise fads may have considerable merit, with workouts as in life, the best things are often free or at least nearly so. In the case of sandbags, the fact that these pieces of ultra-simple exercise equipment can often be constructed for just a few dollars belies the incredibly robust workouts that they can provide. With sandbag exercises, you get far more than you pay for, at least if you are only counting the dollar cost. But as we’ll see, the cost in energy, effort and focus required for sandbag training rivals [Read more …]

The Concept 2 SkiErg is an American-made, precision engineered Nordic skiing machine from the makers of the industry’s most trusted indoor rowers.
Exercise Equipment

Concept2 SkiErg – Buyer’s Guide

Let’s take a look at an innovative piece of endurance exercise equipment – the Concept2 SkiErg. This unique piece of equipment lets you get the health benefits of Nordic skiing exercise anytime, anywhere. Looking for SkiErg Black Friday deals? Concept 2 equipment is rarely on sale at discounted prices – even on Black Friday – your best bet is to look to minimize sales tax, or to find free shipping. In fact, Rogue has the SkiErg available as part of it’s “5 for $5” shipping deal right now – buy any 5 qualifying items and they all ship for only $5. This is the cheapest way to get a SkiErg. Is the SkiErg the right piece of exercise equipment for [Read more …]

Nike Romaleos 4 versus Reebok Legacy Lifter versus Adidas Adipower 2
Cross Training Shoes

Best Weightlifting Shoes for 2022

Why look at the best weightlifting shoes for 2022? Lifting heavy weights requires the proper footwear. Many people lift using normal sneakers or running shoes – and that is a big mistake. They should be using proper weightlifting shoes, like the Nike Romaleos 4 shown here instead. We’ll review who makes the best weightlifting shoes for 2022, and tell you why they are the best. Best Shoes For Squats? Weightlifting shoes are the best shoes for squats. The raised heel (which is very firm) minimizes the ankle range of motion needed. The solid heel ensures you are stable with hundreds of pounds on your back or in your hands. These are the best shoes for Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and the [Read more …]

Grip strength is important for ruck events - the rucksack will spend a lot of time on your back - but you may have to carry other items, sometimes called "coupons"

GORUCK Training – How to Prepare for the PT at Ruck Events

A common question about GORUCK challenge events – what sort of PT ( Physical Training) challenges are likely to happen? And how can you prepare? Most of the following exercises may be required with or without your loaded rucksack. For “Light” events there’s usually a lot of PT without the ruck – but it’s better to be over-prepared in this regard. HINT: It’s best to train with your rucksack! Also note that this sort of dynamic exercise with a loaded rucksack is best done with a chest strap and a hip belt or waist belt on your rucksack. Why? Because it lets you tighten down the ruck such that it won’t be moving around excessively. Secondly, this is also the [Read more …]

New for 2019 is the Nike Metcon 4 XD - Nike's latest take on it's ultradurable cross training shoe. How does it compare to the Nike Metcon 4?
Cross Training Shoes

Nike Metcon 4 XD vs Nike Metcon 4

Fans of the Nike Metcon line of cross training shoes have a new footwear option for 2019: the Nike Metcon 4 XD. The Nike Metcon 4 XD is still available online from Rogue Fitness. But, if you want these shoes – you better get them quick. They are not making them since the release of the Nike Metcon 5 earlier this year. How does this versatile cross training shoe stack up against the Nike Metcon 4? How has Nike improved upon what is arguably the best cross training shoe for lifting weights? That’s what we’ll talk about here. Let’s review what is new and improved on the Nike Metcon 4 XD. We’ll also explain all the newest options, as shown [Read more …]

Dumbbells are a required fitness tool for your home or garage gym - find out the best dumbbell options for your home gym
Exercise Equipment

Best Dumbbells For Your Home Gym

Let’s look at the best dumbbell choices for your home gym or garage gym. Dumbbells are a staple of every gym and fitness center worldwide. Because they work. These affordable and versatile fitness tools have been used in strength training since the beginning of time. But, before you splurge on purchasing a full set of dumbbells for your home gym, take a few moments to figure out what the best option will be for you. We’ll present a variety of options here to meet any budget (and available space.) Where to buy dumbbells online? We’re an affiliate of Rogue Fitness and Amazon. Affiliate sales help us to bring great information about health and fitness to you. We’ve reviewed all the [Read more …]