Rogue 25MM Knurled Bottle Opener opening a bottle
Exercise Equipment

Rogue Stocking Stuffers 2021

It’s that time of year – you need gift ideas, and fast. Here’s some Stocking Stuffers from Rogue for 2021. Stocking stuffers don’t need to bring panic to you. It’s already December, but it’s not too late to get your athlete friends and loved ones some fitness items that will be useful to them and they will cherish for a long time. Here are some of the items we are going to look at: Stocking Stuffers from Rogue – Overview Rogue Fitness is the leading producer of strength and conditioning equipment, including barbells, power racks, and sleds. These are big pieces of equipment, but they also have small fitness items and gear that you can stuff in your stockings. These [Read more …]

Vulcan Power Rack - Flat Base with a user 1
Exercise Equipment

Best Black Friday Home Gym Equipment Sales 2021

NEW FOR 2022! Check out the best Black Friday gym equipment for 2022. Build the home gym or garage gym of your dreams with the Best Black Friday Gym Equipment Sales of 2021. Several fitness manufacturers join this year’s Black Friday Sale to give their customers an exclusive opportunity to purchase unique strength and conditioning equipment at a lower price. Black Friday is the best time of the year to purchase those items that you’ve been eyeing for a long time. They are ideal for your home garage or a commercial gym. Here’s the great deals available NOW – but for a limited time. Remember, this IS the best time of year to invest in home gym and garage gym [Read more …]

Rogue KG Competition Plates 25kg
Exercise Equipment

Rogue Hundo Pricing for Black Friday

NEW FOR 2022! Check out Rogue Fitness Hundo Pricing for 2022. Rogue won’t be holding it’s usual Black Friday 2021 sale… but they will have some deals and offers, like Hundo Pricing – starting now! Let’s take a look at Rogue Hundo Pricing for Black Friday. Rogue Fitness is a well-known name when it comes to quality equipment and accessories. Founded in 2006, Rogue is now the chief manufacturer of strength and conditioning equipment, including barbells, power racks, sleds, plates, kettlebells, and accessories. The company is zealous to address the needs of all athletes at any level. Their equipment and other products are a bit pricey, which is understandable because of their quality. But there are actually ways on how [Read more …]

Torque Fitness Endless Rope Trainer commercial quality
Exercise Equipment

Endless Rope Trainer from Torque Fitness

Looking for an innovative upper-body workout that simulates climbing a rope? You might want to try the Endless Rope Trainer from Torque USA. The Endless Rope Trainer is an excellent and functional way of training your core, back, and arms. Just as the name implies, the rope comes endlessly as you pull the rope, and it demands strength and cardiovascular endurance to keep going. It works your upper body muscles, and when done at the correct intensity, it can also be a great cardio workout. Take your rope climbing game to the next level: Endless Rope Trainer – Overview Torque’s Endless Rope utilizes innovative magnetic force resistance to allow competitive bi-directional movements, guaranteeing a limitless rope trainer challenge. Designed for [Read more …]

Torque Fitness F9 Fold-Away Functional Trainer with a user
Exercise Equipment

F-9 Fold-Away Functional Trainer from Torque Fitness

Let’s take a look at the new F-9 Fold-Away Functional Trainer from Torque Fitness. A functional trainer gives you the ability to exercise whenever you want and to completely dominate the workout setting because it’s in your own home. It offers plenty of workout variety and can stand alone as a total home gym. It is a type of strength training that helps equip your body for everyday movements and uses multi-joint movement patterns to improve your range of motion and bridge each muscle to work together harmoniously. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: F-9 Fold-Away Functional Trainer – Overview Torque Fitness offers a comprehensive range of strength and performance training equipment including weight benches, [Read more …]

Rogue Fitness Jacobs Ladder 2 female user
Exercise Equipment

Jacobs Ladder

Let’s look at an interesting piece of gym equipment – the Jacobs Ladder device. Jacobs Ladder is not a typical machine seen in commercial gyms and home garages. But if you are sick and tired of using a treadmill, it’s time to switch to the Jacobs Ladder for a more fun and powerful workout. Here are some of the models that are available now: Jacobs Ladder – Overview First of all – where doe the name come from? The Bible. In the Bible, Jacob dreamed of a ladder between heaven and earth. Jacobs Ladder is a ladder-like device angled at 40 degrees and requires you to climb its unending rungs. The continuous movement of arms and legs by means of [Read more …]

Torque Fitness Tank MX pushed quarter right
Exercise Equipment

Torque Fitness Tanks

Let’s look at the Torque Fitness Tanks. Fitness tank is an all-surface weight sled with wheels that utilize magnetic resistance rather than weight plates and friction. By flipping the resistance lever, you can adjust the strength of your workout without adding or removing heavy-weight plates. It is a functional piece of equipment that can be used in a variety of forms. You can push or pull the weight sled clutching a rubber-coated handle to focus on particular muscle groups. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Torque Fitness Tanks – Overview Torque uses an innovative magnetic resistance brake system on their tanks to prohibit individuals from accelerating and pushes them to work harder the quicker [Read more …]

Workout in winter? dress warm and follow these tips

Winter Workout Tips – Top 5 Tips for Cold Weather

Progress with physical fitness often feels like it takes forever. Meanwhile, it seems things go downhill at supersonic speed if you lag behind. You likely have dozens of very legitimate excuses to skimp or pause your exercise from time to time. Some, such as an injury, are unavoidable, but one factor that you don’t have to let influence your workout is winter weather. In this article, we’re going to talk about how you can keep your fitness up – even in the coldest weather. Why You Should Winterize Your Workout You winterize your home, wardrobe, vehicle, and other essential components so they’ll continue to function through the snow, ice, and frigid temperatures of colder seasons. Your workout routine deserves the [Read more …]

Rogue Wrist Bands are a cheap and effective way to help keep your hands and grip dry.
Exercise Equipment

12 CrossFit Gift Ideas for 2022

We’re back with the best CrossFit gift ideas for 2022. We’ll be looking at items that are both affordable and easy to ship – but things that would be immensely useful to your beloved CrossFit trainee, athlete, coach, or gym junkie. Here’s the gift ideas we’ll be examining: Let’s take a closer look. Why Rogue Fitness? We’re going to recommend a lot of Rogue Fitness products in this guide. Why? Because Rogue is the coolest name in CrossFit – they supply the equipment used in the CrossFit Games and their stylish, high performance gear is revered for both its form and function. And a lot of it is made in the USA. Rogue brand equipment will be recognized immediately by [Read more …]

The Under Armour TriBase Reign Training Shoe is meant to be used for functional training and workouts like CrossFit
Cross Training Shoes

Under Armour TriBase Reign Training Shoe

Let’s look at Under Armour’s new cross training shoe – the TriBase Reign cross training shoe. This is a stable but versatile training shoe that will work great for the CrossFit WOD. Under Armour is entering a crowded space – how does the TriBase Reign fare against the Nike Metcon 4 shoe line or the Reebok Nano line? We’ll discuss that as well. Here’s the shoes we are going to review. Let’s talk about the features of this shoe… UA TriBase Reign – What Makes it a great Training Shoe First, let’s take a tour of what makes the TriBase Reign special. How is this different than your average running shoe? Shoes for CrossFit training must be much more versatile [Read more …]