Torque Fitness Tank MX pushed quarter right
Exercise Equipment

Torque Fitness Tanks

Let’s look at the Torque Fitness Tanks. Fitness tank is an all-surface weight sled with wheels that utilize magnetic resistance rather than weight plates and friction. By flipping the resistance lever, you can adjust the strength of your workout without adding or removing heavy-weight plates. It is a functional piece of equipment that can be used in a variety of forms. You can push or pull the weight sled clutching a rubber-coated handle to focus on particular muscle groups. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Torque Fitness Tanks – Overview Torque uses an innovative magnetic resistance brake system on their tanks to prohibit individuals from accelerating and pushes them to work harder the quicker [Read more …]

Nike Savaleos Weightlifting Shoe Review (2)
Cross Training Shoes

Nike Savaleos Weightlifting Shoe Review

Let’s review the brand new Nike Savaleos weightlifting shoe. This is Nike’s newest weightlifting shoe – and only its second shoe since the Nike Romaleos 4 came out last year. How do the two compare? THat’s what we’ll talk about – and more. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Let’s take a look at this new shoe. Nike Savaleos – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel – and see it in action live: Bottom line? This shoe is a winner. It works for the intended purpose and it’s $80 cheaper than the Romaleos 4! Nike Savaleos Sizing Advice These shoes [Read more …]

Rogue Monster Cave quarter view
Exercise Equipment

The Monster Cave

Let’s look at the new Monster Cave from Rogue. Working out in your garage or home gym has many advantages. It gives you privacy, saves you money and time, keeps you safe, and prevents you from having contact with other people in this pandemic. But there’s also a downside to it. If you have plenty of gym equipment and accessories, there is also a possibility that they are taking most of your garage/space, and you can no longer maximize it. Seeing this dilemma, Rogue with Reflex Fitness (a Rogue subsidiary) created a complete integration of a power rack with modular storage and cable systems with the new Monster Cave. Here are some of the styles we are going to look [Read more …]

Rep Bar and Bumper Plate Tree close up bottom part
Exercise Equipment

Best Bumper Plate Storage

Let’s review the best bumper plate storage. Having a commercial or home gym is not all about getting all the equipment you need. These pieces of equipment need to be kept and stored neatly and orderly. Bumper plates specifically should be stored in racks and storages to preserve their quality so you can use them for a longer time. Here’s some of the equipment we are going to look at: Best Bumper Plate Storage – Overview Storing your bumper plates can be done in several ways. There are horizontal storages where you can store your bumper plates like dinner plates. There are also vertical trees, racks, carts, and storage with wheels, but whatever your preference is, there are some things [Read more …]

Rogue 10 Bar Holder with bars
Exercise Equipment

Best Barbell Storage

Let’s review the best barbell storage racks and hangers. Barbells are some of the essential strength training equipment, and if you are into strength training, you probably have one or two in your garage or gym. Barbells are too precious just to be left on the floor/ground or only be stored anywhere. There are ways to store your barbells properly to avoid damage and keep your garage or gym clean and tidy. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: Barbell Storage – Overview Whether you want to store your barbells horizontally, vertically, or on the rack, we got you covered. We will show you different racks and storage and how you can keep your barbells out [Read more …]

Rogue Crash Cushion with a lifter
Exercise Equipment

Drop Pads for Oly Lifting

Let’s review Drop Pads for Oly Lifting. If you are into Oly weightlifting or weightlifting in general and are considerate enough to think of your family and neighborhood, you probably are using drop pads. Drop pads should be used by those who are thinking of venturing into weightlifting or new to weightlifting so as not to disturb or annoy your family and neighbors as you throw barbells and free weights. Here are some of the styles we are going to look at: Let’s look at these options. Drop Pads for Oly Lifting – Overview Drop pads are made of dense, high-density foam to absorb and disperse the sound and shake linked with heavy barbell drops and preserve the floor from [Read more …]

Reebok Nano X1 Versus Nike Metcon 6 Review
Cross Training Shoes

Reebok Nano X1 Versus Nike Metcon 6 Review

Let’s compare the new Nano X1 Training Shoe from Reebok directly against the Nike Metcon 6. Our review pair has arrived and we’ve put them through our workout test – side by side with our trusty pair of Nike Metcon 6. Before we dive into the results, let’s review some of the styles that are available now: Let’s review what’s new and improved in this training shoe. Reebok Nano X1 Versus Nike Metcon 6 Review – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when you can watch? Check out this video from our YouTube channel: That’s some in action video of the Nano X1 – but let’s dive deeper into all of the details. Reebok Nano X1 Versus Nike [Read more …]

Rogue 50 Cal Challenge on Echo Bike 2
Exercise Equipment

How to Make the Echo Bike More Comfortable

Let’s review Echo Bike Add-ons – and find some way to make the Rogue Echo Bike more comfortable. The Rogue Echo Bike is a tough workout – it is an air bike, after all. Expect lung-searing intensity and burning quads like no other piece of equipment can deliver. But at the same time, let’s see where we can make things a little more pleasant. The Rogue Echo Bike mixes heavy-duty steel, accurate engineering, and comfortable customization to produce a durable, sturdier fan bike. It is created from the get-go with character and performance in mind with huge frames, high weight capacities, and belt drives. The handles on the bike weigh a big amount and are tougher to move than other [Read more …]

Concept2 BikeErg quarter view full
Exercise Equipment

Concept 2 BikeErg Review

Let’s review the BikeErg from Concept2. Concept2 is best identified for its air resistance indoor rowing machines, which are acknowledged as the standard training and testing machines for competition rowers and can be seen in most gyms. Since 1981, Concept2’s indoor rowers have steadily been the top-rated rowing machines in the world because of their matchless function, sturdiness, and Concept2’s post-sales support. After several years, Concept2 launched a completely new machine – the BikeErg, an indoor cycling bike that highlights flywheel and Performance Monitor identical to the Concept2 Indoor Rowers and SkiErgs. Here’s some of the styles we are going to look at: Let’s look at the details next. BikeErg – Video Review on our YouTube Channel Why read when [Read more …]

Nike Metcon 6 AMP - How is it different than the regular edition? Let's compare and contrast.
Cross Training Shoes

Nike Metcon 6 Differences

The Nike Metcon 6 is my favorite CrossFit shoe for the year 2021 – and now that it has been out for quite a while, there are lots of different versions and editions. That’s the difference between the Nike Metcon 6 and the Nike Metcon 6 AMP (or the FlyEase, or the Premium?) That’s what we’ll cover in this article – we will compare and contrast all the differences between the different versions of the Nike Metcon 6. What’s the real difference between the new and the regular edition Metcon 6? Nike came up with a real winner when they designed the Nike Metcon 6. Now in it’s sixth version – this all-purpose cross-training shoe will bring out the best [Read more …]