Prilepin's Chart (or table) shows the optimal intensity (% of 1RM) and volume (total numer of reps) for Olympic weightlifting training as observed by AS Prilepin - who was a junior and national weightlifting coach for the Soviet Union.

Prilepin’s Chart Explained

NEW FOR 2022! Check out Black Friday Gym Sales 2022. Prilepin’s Chart is a table of optimal Olympic weight lifting rep ranges to be used for training. It was created by A.S. Prilepin, a Soviet era sports scientist. The chart was created by reviewing the training journals of thousands of weightlifting athletes. It is meant to portray the optimal number of reps per set, and total rep count (volume) for power training required for the Olympic lifts (the Snatch, and Clean and Jerk). The chart, also called Prilepin’s Table, is as follows: The first column shows the training intensity – the percentage of 1RM (1 Repetition Maximum) being used. The second column lists the number of reps per set observed [Read more …]

Rogue Color Kg Training 2.0 Plates - high quality bumper plates for training in the garage or home gym
Exercise Equipment

Why Do Olympic Weight Plates Have Colors?

NEW FOR 2022! Check out Black Friday Sales for 2022 – Rogue, Rep, and more!. The Olympic bumper plates used in competition weightlifting are colorful – and this is no accident. This isn’t just so they look nice – these colors serve a useful purpose. The colors allow someone to quickly and easily visually identify the amount of weight loaded on the bar. Who sets the standards for these colors? The International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) sets the specifications and rules for the equipment used in all Olympic weightlifting competition. The International Powerlifting Federation (IPF) requires a similar color code. And this is where we get the weight plate color coding required by the IWF: Red = 25 kg (55.1 lbs) [Read more …]

Rogue GH-1 GHD - Glute Ham Developer bench from Rogue Fitness
Exercise Equipment

Glute Ham Developer – Guide to the Best GHD For Your Home Gym

Let’s talk about the Glute Ham Developer or GHD, also known as the Glute Ham Bench. What is a GHD? It’s a piece of strength and conditioning equipment that lets you perform very potent posterior chain and core exercises including the Glute Ham Raise (GHR), the abdominal destroying GHD Situp, and even a poor man’s version of the reverse hyperextension. The model shown here is the Rogue Abram 2.0 GHD (Rogue: ) – and it’s excellent example of the features of a great GHD. Looking for Black Friday 2019 deals on Glute Ham Devices? Check back here for our recommended Black Friday deals on GHDs. Black Friday is the best time of the year to buy fitness equipment. A GHD [Read more …]

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Diet & Nutrition

What is the Keto Diet?

What is the Ketogenic diet? It’s a high-fat, low-carb diet that sends your body into a state of ketosis, during which it primarily uses dietary fat and body fat for energy instead of glucose from carbs. Ketone bodies, which are the by-product of the metabolism of fat, rise to elevated levels in the blood. Ketosis is generally recognized to occur when ketone levels rise to 0.5 mmol/L or more. This can happen about 2 days after starting severe carb restrictions – which means eating less than 20-35 grams of carbs per day. However, it can take 4-6 weeks before the body is fully adapted to ketosis. Keto, as the ketogenic diet is known, is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that forces [Read more …]

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Diet & Nutrition

The Paleo Diet – Is It Right for You?

What is the Paleo Diet? Today we’re going to talk about the Paleo diet – a nutritional strategy (and lifestyle) that claims to leverage our body’s evolutionary eating adaptations for maximum health. The Paleo diet requires eating the foods our ancient ancestors ate and to avoid modern foods (and quantities) that aren’t compatible with our bodies. The core premise of the Paleo diet is that modern foods and diets have strayed too far from what our bodies and digestive systems have adapted to via tens of thousands of years of evolution. Further, its proponents believe modern foods and the associated mismatch with our real dietary needs is the biggest driving factor behind the modern “diseases of civilization”: Type 2 Diabetes [Read more …]

GORUCK Black Multicam Rucker 3 Review (99)

Backpacks for Rucking

Let’s talk about the best backpacks (rucksacks) for rucking. We’ll highlight the best products that look good, are functional, and tough as nails. As an example – here’s the GORUCK GR1 backpack. It is purpose designed for rucking. And by that, we mean rucking for fitness purposes. You might have seen the GORUCK rucksack in use at the first annual Rogue Invitational CrossFit sanctioned event. Here’s the rucksacks we’ll cover: We’ll also highlight some great rucking accessories that help you get the most out of your gear. When choosing the best backpack for rucking – you need to consider a few things: Function Form Durability Price Read on to find out why we think the GR1 is the best choice [Read more …]

Manufactured to the same high standard as our Rogue Competition Plates, these KG bumpers feature an all-black, gloss-matte-gloss finish and a unique, color-coded rubber stripe that wraps around the full perimeter of each plate. That stripe, along with raised, color-coded lettering on the face of the plate, allows for quick visual weight identification from any direction or distance.
Exercise Equipment

Garage Gym – The Olympic Weight Plates

Let’s look at Olympic weight plates – cast iron plates and bumper plates. The most important item in your garage gym is an Olympic barbell that will meet the needs of your preferred training style. But a barbell with no Olympic weight plates isn’t a challenge for very long. In this article, we’ll review the Olympic weight plates you need: Looking for Black Friday deals on Olympic bumper plates? Check back here for all the great gym equipment deals like Hundo Pricing, and more. Black Friday is the best time of the year to buy bumper plates. The Olympic barbell uses weight plates with a 2.0-inch diameter hole in the center. Beyond that you can choose metal plates (iron or [Read more …]

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Aging & Health

High Blood Pressure – What You Need to Know

High Blood Pressure, or Hypertension, is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Blood pressure is described by two different measurements – the systolic and diastolic pressures – which are the maximum and minimum pressures. Systolic is how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats. Diastolic indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between beats. The units of measurement are typically millimeters of mercury, abbreviated as mmHg or mm Hg. High Blood Pressure is sometimes called the “silent killer” – because there can initially be no obvious symptoms. But when left untreated, the ongoing damage [Read more …]

A Rogue Olympic weightlifting barbell - loaded with Rogue training bumper plates
Exercise Equipment

Starting Your Own Garage Gym – The Olympic Barbell

We’re going to talk about what is probably the most essential piece of gear for a great garage gym – the Olympic weightlifting barbell. We’ll provide examples of Rogue barbells – because we think Rogue Fitness makes the best barbells for your home or garage gym (or your CrossFit box!) Here’s the barbells we’ll be reviewing. Be sure to read through to understand the specific strengths of each model. Rogue Olympic WL Bar 20kg men’s bearing bar – Made in the USA with 215K tensile strength steel. Needle bearings for ultimate spin – also great “whip” – so it is the best barbell for Olympic lifts. (Rogue Fitness) Rogue Ohio Bar – Stainless Steel The awesome Rogue Ohio Bar in [Read more …]

The RML-390C is the colored version of Rogue RML-390BT Power Rack. Like the standard model, this unit is manufactured in Columbus, Ohio, and updates a classic Westside power cage design with 3x3" 11 Gauge Steel in your choice of 10 custom Rogue semi gloss powdercoats. With an interior depth of 24" or 30", the RML-390C is an all-in-one power rack that can improve the efficiency of a small garage gym or major weight training center. With 0.625" hardware and Westside hole spacing, it also provides an appealing middle ground between the Rogue Monster and Rogue Infinity Series power racks. Easy to set-up and install out the box, this rack comes standard with a pair of Monster Lite J-cups, a pin/pipe safety set, four band pegs, and a 43" Fat/Skinny Pull-Up Bar.
Exercise Equipment

The Best Power Rack for Your Garage Gym

The foundation of the best garage gym or home gym is the power rack or squat rack. Why? Because it’s the best option for versatile and safe training with heavy weights. Shown here is the RML-390BT Rogue Monster Lite Power Rack (Rogue Fitness: ). It is an exceptionally well built product, and has all the essential features we look for in the best power rack for a garage gym. Got a garage? Then you’ve got space for a garage gym. The benefits of the garage gym are many: no crowds, no commute, no waiting for equipment. But, the downside is you’ve got to have the right equipment. You need versatile gear that will last for a lifetime. What is the [Read more …]