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Nike By You Custom Nike Free Metcon 6 and the box it came in
Cross Training Shoes

Nike By You – Custom Shoe Review

Like to stand out in the gym? Nike’s Nike By You (Nike Free Metcon 6) lets you pick the color scheme of your favorite training shoes. But how does it work? And does the end product justify the cost? That’s what we’ll review here. The Nike Free Metcon 6 (Nike By You edition) get it only right from the source: First, let’s take a complete tour of the shoe. Nike By You – Nike Free Metcon 6 Shoe Review – Overview Nike By You – Nike Free Metcon 6 – Hands On Review on YouTube Want a up close look at these custom shoes? Check out our hands on review from YouTube: Let’s get into the details The ordering process [Read more …]

Editor’s Picks

The Bella Bar is Rogue’s go-to multipurpose 15KG barbell for female athletes. Fully machined and assembled in Columbus, Ohio, this versatile ladies bar is uniquely optitmized for Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and/or a CrossFit WOD.
Exercise Equipment

Best Women’s Olympic Barbell

Let’s look at some options for the best women’s Olympic barbell for CrossFit. First of all – do women need a special barbell for weightlifting? Short answer – they don’t. But, women’s barbells have a shaft diameter of only 25 mm. Compare this to the 28 or 29 mm diameter of a men’s bar. It is 10% less diameter. And that means it’s easier to grip for those with smaller hands. Here’s the barbells we are going to review today. Read on to find out about the important qualities of the best women’s barbell. Rogue Bella Bar 2.0 15kg women’s bushing bar – A multipurpose bar, made in the USA with 190K tensile strength steel. Outstanding Rogue Fitness quality. (Rogue [Read more …]

Rucking - walking or hiking with a loaded backpack - it's simple and effective.

What is Rucking?

Rucking is walking with a loaded backpack – and not just in the woods! “Ruck”, short for “rucksack”, is military slang for a backpack. This is a cheap, simple exercise that burns calories and builds aerobic endurance due to the added weight. Rucking Tips – The basics Grab a backpack. Load it with about 10% of your bodyweight (as a beginner). You can use bricks, dumbbells, weight plates, or anything else that will fit. Walk – the distance and pace is up to you. Also known as foot marching, ruck marching, but usually just plain “rucking” – it’s deceptively effective. It sounds simple, but it can burn up to two times the number of calories when compared to an unweighted [Read more …]

Nike Metcon 7 AMP Shoe Review 2
Cross Training Shoes

Nike Metcon 7 AMP Review

Nike recently dropped a hot new style of the M7 – we’ll review the Nike Metcon 7 AMP. The Nike Metcon 7 AMP is the gold standard for weight training and offers functional and creative changes from the previous version. It is a shoe for all-around training, CrossFit, and functional fitness. NOTE: The AMP line of shoes doesn’t really enhance performance over the regular Nike M7 – it’s just fancier looking. You’ll pay a little bit more for the premium look – but the style might be worth it. We’ll let you be the judge of that. Get it now – from Road Runner Sports OR Rogue: Let’s take a look. Nike Metcon 7 AMP – My Review First of [Read more …]

Rogue Dumbbells with an athlete
Exercise Equipment

Best Dumbbells For Your Home Gym

Let’s look at the best dumbbell choices for your home gym or garage gym. Dumbbells are a staple of every gym and fitness center worldwide. Because they work. These affordable and versatile fitness tools have been used in strength training since the beginning of time. But, before you splurge on purchasing a full set of dumbbells for your home gym, take a few moments to figure out what the best option will be for you. We’ll present a variety of options here to meet any budget (and available space.) Where to buy dumbbells online? We’re an affiliate of Rogue Fitness and Amazon. Affiliate sales help us to bring great information about health and fitness to you. We’ve reviewed all the [Read more …]

GORUCK Rucker 4 Review 129

GORUCK Rucker 4 Review

The GORUCK Rucker is about to get tougher – let’s review the new Rucker 4 from GORUCK. This is the 4th generation of GORUCK’s Rucker backpack. The “Rucker” is made specifically for fitness training purposes. We’re going to focus on these features, and what is new and improved from the last version (the Rucker 3). The Rucker is the ultimate backpack as a fitness tool – and is a far better choice than the GR1 or Bullet for this purpose. And now it gets even better with this 4th version. Why? That’s what we’ll explain in this review. In this review of the Rucker 4 we’ll take a close up look at Rucker 4 Versus Rucker 3. Let’s find out [Read more …]

Nike Romaleos 4 versus Reebok Legacy Lifter versus Adidas Adipower 2
Cross Training Shoes

Best Weightlifting Shoes for 2022

Why look at the best weightlifting shoes for 2022? Lifting heavy weights requires the proper footwear. Many people lift using normal sneakers or running shoes – and that is a big mistake. They should be using proper weightlifting shoes, like the Nike Romaleos 4 shown here instead. We’ll review who makes the best weightlifting shoes for 2022, and tell you why they are the best. Best Shoes For Squats? Weightlifting shoes are the best shoes for squats. The raised heel (which is very firm) minimizes the ankle range of motion needed. The solid heel ensures you are stable with hundreds of pounds on your back or in your hands. These are the best shoes for Olympic weightlifting, powerlifting, and the [Read more …]