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Rogue Echo bike V3 - Black Friday Sale
Exercise Equipment

Rogue Fitness Black Friday 2024 Sale

Black November – Rogue’s biggest sale for the year is now on. Check out these great deals while they last during the Rogue Black Friday sale: Rogue Fitness Black Friday Sale Overview If you have your eye on fitness equipment – November is the time. The deals won’t get better, and the sale won’t cover more equipment than this time of year. Hundo Pricing Many of Rogue’s bumper plates and iron plates are on sale with Hundo Pricing. Here’s how it works -the more you buy – the bigger the discount. The more weight you purchase the cheaper the price per pound becomes. It’s that simple. What’s on sale? Here’s a sampling – but you should click here to see [Read more …]

Editor’s Picks

GORUCK Wire Dopp Review 25

Best Rucking Accessories for GORUCK

Now that you’ve picked out your ideal GORUCK rucking backpack you should look at some rucking gear that helps you get the best packing and storage efficiency out of that GR1 or Rucker backpack. We’re going to review the best rucksack accessories for the GR1 – or any GORUCK bag. These choices have been vetted by rucking enthusiasts – so consider them the “best of the best”. Whether you are using a GR1, or other rucking backpack – all of these items are great aftermarket rucking gear. MOLLE Accessories We’re going to mention “MOLLE” a lot in this article. MOLLE, or Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment, is the military’s solution for versatile equipment loading and accessories. The most important feature of [Read more …]

Rogue GH-1 GHD - Glute Ham Developer bench from Rogue Fitness
Exercise Equipment

Glute Ham Developer – Guide to the Best GHD For Your Home Gym

Let’s talk about the Glute Ham Developer or GHD, also known as the Glute Ham Bench. What is a GHD? It’s a piece of strength and conditioning equipment that lets you perform very potent posterior chain and core exercises including the Glute Ham Raise (GHR), the abdominal destroying GHD Situp, and even a poor man’s version of the reverse hyperextension. The model shown here is the Rogue Abram 2.0 GHD (Rogue: ) – and it’s excellent example of the features of a great GHD. Looking for Black Friday 2019 deals on Glute Ham Devices? Check back here for our recommended Black Friday deals on GHDs. Black Friday is the best time of the year to buy fitness equipment. A GHD [Read more …]

Nike Free Metcon 6 - on the Rogue Echo bike

Assault Bike versus Rower – Which is Better?

NEW FOR 2022! Check out Black Friday Sales for 2022 – Rogue, Rep, and more!. Which is a better for functional fitness conditioning and metcon workouts; the assault bike or the indoor rower? The rower is a great piece of equipment – get a low-impact, full body workout – and it can be as intense (or not) as you desire. But, the assault bike (or air bike, or fan bike) is a great metcon workout too. We’re going to review the pros and cons of both of these pieces of equipment in this article. This is assault bike vs rower. Here’s some of the gear we’ll be highlighting during this discussion: No matter which you choose, Rogue Fitness has the [Read more …]

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Aging & Health

High Blood Pressure – What You Need to Know

High Blood Pressure, or Hypertension, is a long-term medical condition in which the blood pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated. Blood pressure is described by two different measurements – the systolic and diastolic pressures – which are the maximum and minimum pressures. Systolic is how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart beats. Diastolic indicates how much pressure your blood is exerting against your artery walls while the heart is resting between beats. The units of measurement are typically millimeters of mercury, abbreviated as mmHg or mm Hg. High Blood Pressure is sometimes called the “silent killer” – because there can initially be no obvious symptoms. But when left untreated, the ongoing damage [Read more …]

Prilepin's Chart (or table) shows the optimal intensity (% of 1RM) and volume (total numer of reps) for Olympic weightlifting training as observed by AS Prilepin - who was a junior and national weightlifting coach for the Soviet Union.

Prilepin’s Chart Explained

NEW FOR 2022! Check out Black Friday Gym Sales 2022. Prilepin’s Chart is a table of optimal Olympic weight lifting rep ranges to be used for training. It was created by A.S. Prilepin, a Soviet era sports scientist. The chart was created by reviewing the training journals of thousands of weightlifting athletes. It is meant to portray the optimal number of reps per set, and total rep count (volume) for power training required for the Olympic lifts (the Snatch, and Clean and Jerk). The chart, also called Prilepin’s Table, is as follows: The first column shows the training intensity – the percentage of 1RM (1 Repetition Maximum) being used. The second column lists the number of reps per set observed [Read more …]

Rucking - walking or hiking with a loaded backpack - it's simple and effective.

What is Rucking?

Rucking is walking with a loaded backpack – and not just in the woods! “Ruck”, short for “rucksack”, is military slang for a backpack. This is a cheap, simple exercise that burns calories and builds aerobic endurance due to the added weight. Rucking Tips – The basics Grab a backpack. Load it with about 10% of your bodyweight (as a beginner). You can use bricks, dumbbells, weight plates, or anything else that will fit. Walk – the distance and pace is up to you. Also known as foot marching, ruck marching, but usually just plain “rucking” – it’s deceptively effective. It sounds simple, but it can burn up to two times the number of calories when compared to an unweighted [Read more …]