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Nike By You Custom Nike Free Metcon 6 and the box it came in
Cross Training Shoes

Nike By You – Custom Shoe Review

Like to stand out in the gym? Nike’s Nike By You (Nike Free Metcon 6) lets you pick the color scheme of your favorite training shoes. But how does it work? And does the end product justify the cost? That’s what we’ll review here. The Nike Free Metcon 6 (Nike By You edition) get it only right from the source: First, let’s take a complete tour of the shoe. Nike By You – Nike Free Metcon 6 Shoe Review – Overview Nike By You – Nike Free Metcon 6 – Hands On Review on YouTube Want a up close look at these custom shoes? Check out our hands on review from YouTube: Let’s get into the details The ordering process [Read more …]

Editor’s Picks

Rogue Dumbbells with an athlete
Exercise Equipment

Best Dumbbells For Your Home Gym

Let’s look at the best dumbbell choices for your home gym or garage gym. Dumbbells are a staple of every gym and fitness center worldwide. Because they work. These affordable and versatile fitness tools have been used in strength training since the beginning of time. But, before you splurge on purchasing a full set of dumbbells for your home gym, take a few moments to figure out what the best option will be for you. We’ll present a variety of options here to meet any budget (and available space.) Where to buy dumbbells online? We’re an affiliate of Rogue Fitness and Amazon. Affiliate sales help us to bring great information about health and fitness to you. We’ve reviewed all the [Read more …]

The American Barbell Power Bar has a shaft made from precision grade alloy steel
Exercise Equipment

Best Powerlifting Barbell

Rogue Fitness now has the Kabuki Strength Duffalo Bar available. This specially curved bar reduces stress on the shoulders, biceps, and back, while enabling scapular retraction and superior joint centration. Let’s look at who makes the best powerlifting barbell. What’s a powerlifting barbell (Also called a power bar or power barbell)? It’s a tough, stiff Olympic sized barbell used for lifting big weight – think heavy squats, heavy deadlifts, and big bench presses. Shown here is the Rogue Ohio Power Bar – it is our top pick for best power bar. These bars are big so they can hold a lot of weight, but they also have some very important differences as compared to the type of Olympic barbell you [Read more …]

Nike Metcon 9 Training Shoe Review 67
Cross Training Shoes

Nike Metcon 9 Review

The Nike Metcon 9 is here and this is our hands-on review of Nike’s premier CrossFit-style training shoe. The Metcon series is Nike’s ultimate, well-rounded cross-training shoe. The series is known for its enhanced flexibility for sprints and box jumps, greater stability for weightlifting, solid traction for sled pushes and rope climbs, breathability and comfort for distance running, and durability for everyday abuse. Because of its popularity and versatility, the series is now on its ninth iteration, with some upgrades and improvements. The Nike Metcon 9 – new for 2023: First, let’s take a tour of the shoe. Nike Metcon 9 – Overview What’s new? It’s the larger Hyperlift plate and added rubber rope wrap. Nike made it even bigger [Read more …]

No Picture
Diet & Nutrition

The Paleo Diet – Is It Right for You?

What is the Paleo Diet? Today we’re going to talk about the Paleo diet – a nutritional strategy (and lifestyle) that claims to leverage our body’s evolutionary eating adaptations for maximum health. The Paleo diet requires eating the foods our ancient ancestors ate and to avoid modern foods (and quantities) that aren’t compatible with our bodies. The core premise of the Paleo diet is that modern foods and diets have strayed too far from what our bodies and digestive systems have adapted to via tens of thousands of years of evolution. Further, its proponents believe modern foods and the associated mismatch with our real dietary needs is the biggest driving factor behind the modern “diseases of civilization”: Type 2 Diabetes [Read more …]

GORUCK Black Multicam Rucker 3 Review (99)

Backpacks for Rucking

Let’s talk about the best backpacks (rucksacks) for rucking. We’ll highlight the best products that look good, are functional, and tough as nails. As an example – here’s the GORUCK GR1 backpack. It is purpose designed for rucking. And by that, we mean rucking for fitness purposes. You might have seen the GORUCK rucksack in use at the first annual Rogue Invitational CrossFit sanctioned event. Here’s the rucksacks we’ll cover: We’ll also highlight some great rucking accessories that help you get the most out of your gear. When choosing the best backpack for rucking – you need to consider a few things: Function Form Durability Price Read on to find out why we think the GR1 is the best choice [Read more …]

Reebok Nano X Cross-Trainer new for 2020
Cross Training Shoes

Reebok Nano X – CrossFit Training Shoe Review

The Reebok Nano X (get it now!) has just been released. This is the 10th iteration of Reebok’s shoe for functional fitness and CrossFit style workouts. What’s new? What’s different? What’s the same? That’s what we’ll discuss (and show) in this hands-on review. The Reebok Nano X was the runner-up in our review of the Best CrossFit Shoes for 2020. Here’s some of the launch styles that are available now from Reebok.com (NOTE: We are an affiliate.) Let’s take an in-depth look. Reebok Nano X – Hands-On Review on YouTube Why read when you can watch? We give you the full run-down on the new Reebok Nano X – and compare it to the Reebok Nano 9 and the Nike [Read more …]